The other day I was reading a devotional from Paul David Tripp, and I wanted to share some of it with all of you.

If you trust only when you understand, you’ll live with lots of doubt. God’s wisdom is bigger than anything your mind can conceive.

So where is peace and rest of heart to be found? You rest in the fact that in His Word God has told you all the things you absolutely need to know, and then you rest in the complete perfection of His wisdom and character. You rest not because you know, but because the One who knows it all is the definition of what is wise and what is good. (New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional)

Oh my goodness! Yes, Paul David Tripp. I am not called to know everything! I am called to trust in the One who knows it all. I have found great comfort in the words of St. Paul found in 1 Corinthians 13:12- For now we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully as I am fully known.

I only know in part right now – and that is more than okay. There is no insecurity in not knowing everything. And there is pride in thinking I do!

I should seek His Word to know God better and understand His character. I have personally found that learning more about God has joyfully helped me to see how woefully inadequate I am on my own. Woefully inadequate as I am created to be! I am created to need the Savior, and I must say my inadequacy often brings me humbly to His throne in repentance and utter thanksgiving for the continual outpouring of grace upon grace on this woman.

The great news about knowing God’s character and His Word is that I can rest in peace knowing He has everything under control and knows all. He has always had a plan – and it is good.

One day I will have full understanding.

One day I will see Him face to face and not ask any more questions and feel inadequate in my knowledge and understanding. All those questions of doubt, insecurity and uncertainty will one day fall away as I see my Lord and Savior face to face.

Face to face.

Can you imagine! Oh, what a glorious day when I see You face to face. Lord, your wisdom is bigger than anything I can possibly fathom. And that is certainly something to which we should all say, “Thanks be to God!”

Lord, help my heart to rest in the fact You tell me what I need to know. I don’t need to doubt or worry, because I know You. Help me, Holy Spirit, when I begin to stumble back to my old ways, and remind me of Your goodness. We look ahead to the day we have full understanding and give You thanks for the promises given to us in Your Word. Draw me to Your Word with a passion and desire to know You more. May it be so, Lord. Amen.