Upcoming Worship Services

Psalm 103:1 Praise the Lord, my soul; all my innermost being, praise His holy name.

CrossPoint Contemporary Service: Sundays @ 10:30 am

Each Sunday on our Cross Schools campus we gather in a relaxed atmosphere to glorify God through the reading of the Scriptures, Biblical messages, prayer, and contemporary songs led by the worship band consisting of drums, keyboard, violin, electric and acoustic guitars, and talented vocalists. Communion is offered every month on this campus.

Each week we offer an engaging, age-appropriate children’s ministry from our nursery for infants and toddlers all the way through the fourth grade.

Overview of CrossKids:

  • Crawlers: This is our nursery program for infants–4 year olds. We will be offering brief lessons and teaching children worship songs to the older children in this group. 
  • Explorers: This is our children’s program for 5–8 year olds. This class uses Seedbed Kids curriculum, a three-year program that surveys the Old Testament, New Testament, and Christian Living. Children will learn about God’s love for them through age-leveled lessons that can be applied to their everyday lives. 
  • Navigators: This is our children’s program for 9–11 year olds. This class uses Foundation Worldview curriculum, which builds upon a child’s knowledge of God and prepares them to live as faithful believers in the world. 

Each week the Explorer and Navigator classes will start together for a time of worship and prayer before breaking up into individual groups for a lesson, activity, and a small group experience. 

The 10:30 am service at CrossPoint is also streamed live to the website, YouTube and Facebook each week. We look forward to you joining us in-person or online.

And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Luke 4:8