Prayer list updated December 16. To submit a prayer request, click the button below or complete a prayer card during one of our worship services. All submitted prayer request names and detail are communicated to the clergy, Church staff and Intercessory Prayer Team volunteers and are treated as confidential.

After a prayer request has been submitted, the person will remain on the prayer list for four weeks or until the office is notified otherwise. If the person is still in need of prayer after the four-week period, submit another prayer request. Please remember you must have the person’s permission to place them on this Prayer List.

If you would like to get involved in TCOTC Prayer Groups, please reach out for more information –

Monday Zoom Intercessory Prayer Group (9:30AM)

Tuesday Morning Prayer at The Chapel (9AM)

Fall Wednesday Evening Prayer at The Chapel (6:15PM)

Prayers for the Family and Friends of Those Now with the Lord

Patti Garrity, KoKo Moreno

Prayers for Those in Our Parish Family

Sissy Baldwin, Braelin B., Phyllis Bowerman, Cathy Capuano, David Charnigo, Greg Creech, Jean Drake, Beryl DuMont, Jean Dupont, Michelle Edwards, Lawton Ellis, Happy & Cindy Finucan, Pat Fratoddi, Fred, Inge Freund, Deb & Kent Fuller, Len & Cathy Gaffga, Marge Gennett, Joe & Bunny Groncki, Mary & Jeff Hartle, Tracy Hausman, Ed Johnson, Marie King, Marian Kneepkens, Bill & Irene McAlhaney, Bob & Rosalie McBarron, Joyce Murray, Father Owens, Rich Sebastian, Victoria Schmitt, Sherry Slavetskas, Connie Steinhouse, Wayne Toon, Barbara Weisner

 Prayers for Friends of Our Parish Family

 Alan, Alicia, Angie, Bob, Dan, Diana, Dorothy Bonnette, Brent, Gary Butt, Mary D., Jenny F., Ella, Elizabeth, Kathy Flinchbaugh, Warren Hunter, Ignite2025 team, Jackson, Jane, Jen, Joan, Jody, Joe H., Justin, Louise Hebert, Karen, Kailey, Leigh’s Family, Ted McClelland, Nick, Nina McGinnis, Maggie Merante, Meredith, Patrick, Joy Ross Plyler, Nick, Karin Palo, Jan Popp, Karen Sexton, Mark Shalala, Jeffrey Sheedy, Sheperd, Stephen, Steve, Steven, Sara T., Taylor, Teresa, Terri, Thomas Family, Brian Tobin, Dennis Waight, Callen Williams, Jeanne Wynne

Prayers for the Mission & Outreach of our Parish

Ignite 2025 Revival in Savannah, Ministry Partners in Ukraine, The Anglican Relief and Development Fund, Child Abuse Prevention Association Beaufort County, Bluffton Community Soup Kitchen, Cross Schools, Young Life, Young Lives, Family Promise of Beaufort County, Food Bank, Samaritan’s Purse, Christian Orphan Health International, Christian Best Camps Kenya, Hope for Life Homes Russia, Spicy Grove Youth Center, Salvation Army Bluffton, Help Madagascar, Congo Orphanages, St Paul’s Mission Peru, Tariro-Hope for Youth Zimbabwe, CRU Military Ministry Parris Island, Operation Forward Base, Ridgeland