EACH ONE REACH ONE – the imperative jumps out from the refrigerator magnet available on both campuses; THAT NONE SHOULD BE LOST – the rationale for the imperative makes the case for action.

We look down upon those who are deemed to be hoarders, those who selfishly refuse to share their possessions with those in need. Yet we tacitly condone hoarding by those who selfishly refuse to share their faith. Forty days ago, we joyfully proclaimed “Christ is alive” . . . inside our churches – in the days since, how many of us have shared the Easter Good News with someone who is currently hell-bound and lost for eternity?

One person cannot change the world but one person can change someone’s world – each one can reach one . . . by rolling away the stone and letting the Son’s light shine into the darkness, each of us can do for someone else what someone else did for us; and for Christ’s sake and theirs we must!

I pray you will pick up a magnate and place it where its message will frequently remind you to act on your professed faith in the risen Lord.