Wrestling with God
In Genesis 32, we find a strange story of Jacob wrestling with God through the night. This is where we find the name “Israel” for the first time. God renamed Jacob “Israel” which means “wrestles with God.” Throughout their history of Israel, God’s people have wrestled with God through seasons of faith and doubt, obedience and rebellion, seeking and running.
Have you ever felt like you were wrestling with God? This is our second week of school at Cross Schools and I am spending most of my time teaching and ministering with our Upper School students. Many of these students are in the midst of a season of wrestling with God as they figure out what they believe. It is tough work countering the loud voices of the world as we seek to ground them in God’s Truth.
The wrestling is normal, but it must lead to an encounter with God. Pray for the Faith Formation team as we endeavor to lead our students through the wrestling to encounter and trust in God.
Pastor Nathan+