Like a thirsty person eyeing the few remaining drops in a canteen, I’ve become more conscious of the value of each passing hour. Knowing I can neither add nor subtract a moment prompted me to examine how I utilize my time, for that is within my purview. I concluded that, while my minutes are of equal length, my activities are not of equal value, falling into four categories: trivial, necessary, important and significant. That revelation incited deeper pondering.
During the various seasons of my earthly pilgrimage, I struggled to define those classifications; in fact, in my younger years I doubt I was even aware of them. In retrospect, I regret far too much of my time was wasted on what has proven to be so trivial and far too little was given to matters of ultimate significance . . . those precious hours are now gone, not because I reset my clocks many times, but because I squandered them.
It is as the poet Isaac Watts said: “Time, like an ever-rolling stream, bears all its sons away.” But until then, stewarding God’s gift of life is up to me . . . and you.