That said, while the impact on our worship, fellowship, ministry and discipleship activities has been real, it has been mitigated by your generous support, my dear ones.  Your ongoing prayers and unwavering involvement through the initial curtailment and subsequent regathering process is both encouraging and humbling – praise God and thank you!

I suspect we will be well into the first half of 2021 before restrictions on in-person ministry activities are lessened to the point that we can safely and fully resume our pre-covid initiatives.  In the interim, we will continue to advance our ministry efforts as permissible while preparing for what I believe will be a mid-year explosion of Christ-centered activity!  You are The Church of the Cross and your sacrificial pledges of time, talent and treasure are needed to insure an even stronger Gospel witness in our 166th year.  We’ve heard and heeded the Good News; our lives have been redeemed; and we are living in the light of hope, now and forever . . . and thanking God for this greatest of all blessings is what we’ll be doing in our Thanksgiving services this weekend.  If you’ve not returned your pledge for 2021, I pray you will join Becky and me in doing so and that together our pledges will be offered during worship, November 21 & 22.

Never doubt God’s love for you or mine,

Get Involved with Our Ministries

One of the most important ways to get connected at The Church of the Cross is to first become a member of our congregation. If you are not a member and you are interested in learning more about membership, please call the Parish Office (843.757.2661) and speak to Sue.

Membership begins with an informal meeting with clergy. The next step in getting connected would be joining a Bible Study or small group to be in community with other Believers.





Food Bank


Men of the Cross

Cross Christian Women


Cross Kids

God’s Goods

Cross Schools

The Church of the Cross Locations

The Church of the Cross is situated across 3 distinct campuses. View our locations below:


Want us to pray for someone in need? Submit a prayer request (with their permission) and your prayer will be communicated with our clergy, Church staff, and Intercessory Prayer Team volunteers.

The person will remain on the prayer list for four weeks or until the office is notified otherwise.


Everything we own and everything we have comes from God. So, when we give, we simply offer him a small portion of the abundance he has already given to us.

Giving is an expression of our thankfulness and praise to God, and there are various ways to give at The Church of the Cross.

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you and will be happy to answer any questions you have. Fill out the form below and our staff will be in touch with you shortly.