This week we are wrapping up the 2022-2023 academic year at Cross Schools. Nearly 700 students are finishing finals, writing papers, and celebrating finishing another grade. This morning was our “8th Grade Celebration” where 8th graders celebrate finishing middle school and prepare for the rigors of upper school. During this service, I charged the students to choose to be counter-cultural members of their generation.

A world where there is unspeakable violence needs peacemakers.

A world that is filled with hate needs those who demonstrate love.

In a world where social media forms thoughts, opinions, attitudes, and actions, we need level-headed leaders who choose to lead rather than follow, who choose to seek truth rather than accepting the countless loud voices of society.

In a world of division, we need people who will exemplify compassion and unity.

In a world of selfishness, we need servants.

In a world obsessed with achievement, we need individuals who have an identity formed by Christ.

Children are formed to be different through Cross being a different kind of school . . . where we seek to form them not only academically, but also spiritually. Academic formation is temporal, but spiritual formation is eternal.

Pastor Nathan+