Website The Church of the Cross

Full-Time Ministry Position

This staff position is committed to the Parish’s vision, mission, and strategy and supports the clergy, staff, and congregation through office logistics, communication, and Christian caring.

Job Duties and Responsibilities

  • Get lessons ready for Sunday. Make copies needed for 5-8 years old class(Explorers) and for the 9-11 year old class (Navigators).
  • Make sure all items needed for the lesson are in the classroom and ready forSunday (games, crafts, items for object lessons, etc.).
  • Coordinate volunteers for Cross Kids at CrossPoint (9 AM and 10:30 AM) and atHistoric Campus (10 AM), supervise Children’s Ministry Assistant.
  • Coordinate nursery workers for CrossPoint (9AM and 10:30 AM) and at HistoricCampus 10 AM).
  • Send volunteers the lesson one week in advance.
  • Keep supplies organized in the Sunday school room and reorder anything thatneeds to be replenished.
  • Ensure that weekly electronic attendance is tracked.
  • Work with and lead a volunteer team with the planning of children’s ministrylarge events (VBS, Fall Festival, etc.).
  • Regular communication with parents and the parish family.
  • Assist with Cross Schools Lower School chapel programs as needed.
  • Assist with the Faith Formation team in working with Lower School teachers totransition the curriculum to be user friendly for Lower School teachers.

Professional/Personal Requirements

  • Love of the Lord
  • Spiritually centered
  • Committed to the mission, vision and strategy of the Church
  • Active participant in the life of the Church
  • Strong administrative abilities
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Team player
  • Excellent organizational skills
  • Ability to multitask
  • Self-directed
  • Strong computer skills
  • Flexible
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