Those words seemed to jump out at me from the Bishop’s Exhortation to the ordinand, “Remember how great is this treasure committed to your charge.” With minimal background information one might assume the “great treasure” committed into the hands of priests in Christ’s church are the mysteries of the Sacraments or the faithful preaching of the Scriptures. While those are treasures and should be highly esteemed by Church and clergy alike, the “treasure” to which the Bishop refers in his exhortation is the Church itself. Addressing the ordinand he continues, “They are the sheep of Christ for whom He shed His blood . . . His bride, His body.”
What a treasure you are to Christ and to me. As long as the Lord gives me breath, I will endeavor to shepherd Christ’s great treasure and labor alongside you to “proclaim tirelessly the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
For our good.
And for His glory.
The Lord bless you and keep you, make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up the light of His countenance upon you, and give you His peace.
Pastor Josh+