I’ve just been told it’s “Groundhog Day” and that hours earlier a rodent up north predicted six more weeks of winter. I suspect that forecast may ring true for folks in the higher latitudes who are bracing for yet another winter storm this weekend; but, praise God, it’s a beautiful day in the Lowcountry! The coatless Cross Schools students playing beyond my office window are enjoying seventy-degree weather under the watchful gaze of their sunglass-wearing teachers . . . neither group wanting to be distracted from what is by what might be. Even the budding shrubbery around the playing field seems to be joining the children’s laughter in mocking any rumor of spring’s delay.
That said, here I sit in a sweater wanting to believe spring has made an early appearance but remembering the many times “mother nature” has conned me. I was young and foolish once; being older now but not yet into my dotage, I’m siding with the dumb critter . . . and besides, Becky tells me I look slimmer in my sweaters!