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The Three Women

A few Sundays ago, I walked across the Cross Schools parking lot to join The Chapel service for communion after having completed the necessary tasks to prepare for the nearly 600 congregants and visitors who would join me an hour later in the school gym. This is a sacred time to slip over and remember. Coming to the table to break bread remembering the Body which was broken for you and for me. To give thanks for the cup Jesus took and said, “Whenever you drink, do this in remembrance of Me.” Beautiful. Sacred. Precious.

By |2024-02-22T10:07:08-05:00February 21st, 2024|Women at the Cross|

Let’s Fight

As a little girl, I hated conflict and arguments gave me a great deal of anxiety. Not to mention that Southern girls simply did not fight. As an adult, my perspective has changed. I need to fight. I need to be bold. And I might even need to exchange tough words at times. My perspective shifted because of the Word of God.

By |2023-04-18T14:44:21-04:00April 18th, 2023|Women at the Cross|

Grains of Truth About Pollen – A New Way to Consider the Lilies of The Field

I love Springtime! However, like many, I suffer at the hands of pollen because of seasonal allergies. I visualize the micro-size grains floating around with hands reaching out to grab a hold of my eyes and lungs. Sometimes it is difficult to find relief from the irritation. When I did a search about pollen I discovered that the pollen of each plant or species is different – making a different “fingerprint” and creating a unique forensic signature. Pollen can stay in clothing and hair even after washing. 

By |2023-03-20T17:26:46-04:00March 20th, 2023|Women at the Cross|

Advent Women

Reading in Luke this Advent season, I find myself being struck by the women we see as pivotal to the First Advent of Christ. There are three women who tell the story of Messiah - Elizabeth, Mary and Anna. It is remarkable how they are used by God in such unique ways to herald, carry and proclaim the message that changed the world.

By |2022-12-12T09:08:50-05:00December 12th, 2022|Advent, Women at the Cross|

Reframed Disappointment

You may have heard about NASAs latest attempts to launch the Artemis 1 SLS (Space Launch System) rocket. When it occurs, this will be an unmanned test launch that is part of the Artemis program to return Astronauts to the moon by 2025. When I made my reservation to be at Kennedy Space Center for the launch, I did not realize it was for NASA’s most powerful rocket ever and would draw huge crowds! 

By |2022-09-09T15:47:57-04:00September 12th, 2022|Women at the Cross|
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