What’s Your Name?
"What's Your Name?", by Father Chuck Owens
"What's Your Name?", by Father Chuck Owens
“We think in generalities, but we live in details.” I’ve been focusing my pre-Lenten pondering on this statement made by Alfred North Whitehead close to a century ago. Why? Because I prefer to see myself generally so as to avoid a more detailed examination of the old man in my mirror . . .
"Making Sinners Into Saints", but Father Chuck Owens
Most weekends I stand before many hundreds of people to deliver what others regularly attest to be a well-crafted, God-honoring sermon designed to make the Scriptures come to life for those in search of life.
"You Are Not Alone!", by Father Chuck Owens
"Pondering the Christmas Story", by Father Chuck Owens
It has quietly come and gone again this year. Like the ebb and flow of the tidal shroud embracing the USS Arizona, “the date that will live in infamy” is inexorably becoming a date that lives only in the memories of a diminishing few. My father was there on December 7, 1941; as a young naval officer aboard the USS Tangier, he was among those who exchanged fire with the Japanese planes wreaking havoc on Pearl Harbor . . . but unlike many aboard his ship, he survived that Sunday morning’s violence to fight on, pursuing peace in the Pacific throughout World War II and the Korean War.
"I done it for love.", by Father Chuck Owens
"But Even Now (A Word to Believers Burying a Loved One)", by Father Chuck Owens
"Ministering to Aging Parents," by Father Chuck Owens