Meet Our Team

Our Clergy

Meet our dedicated team of spiritual leaders! Each of them brings unique experiences and unwavering faith to guide our community in worship, service, and spiritual growth.

headshot of Father Chuck Owens

Father Chuck Owens


The Rev. Dr. Charles E. Owens III (Chuck) is a grassroots believer who knows first-hand the struggles and challenges of everyday life. He is a real world disciple having spent over thirty years as an educator and independent school headmaster prior to entering full-time ministry.

headshot of Nathan Weaver

The Rev. Dr. Nathan Weaver

Senior Associate and
Director of Faith Formation

The Rev. Dr. Nathan Weaver joined The Church of the Cross clergy team in 2021. Nathan serves as the Director of Faith Formation and supervises the Faith Formation teaching team at Cross Schools and TCOTC Youth and Children’s Ministries.

headshot of Johnathan Riddle

The Rev. Jonathan Riddle

Associate to the Rector

Jonathan is a North Carolina native who attended Appalachian State University. He received his Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary (Orlando) and an Anglican Studies Diploma from Trinity Anglican Seminary.

headshot of David Fisher

The Rev. Dave Fisher

Pastoral Care Chaplain

The Rev. Dave Fisher serves as the Parish Chaplain of The Church of the Cross. The heart of Dave’s role is to bring an awareness of God’s presence and peace to those who have been separated from the flock by sickness or injury, and to walk with families through end-of-life care.

headshot of Thomas Hendrickson

The Rev. Tom Hendrickson

Priest in Residence

The Rev. Thomas J. Hendrickson hails from Long Island, New York, where he lived with his wife Terri and daughter Julia. Tom and Terri met at the University of Denver where Tom took a degree in Comparative Religion and Philosophy. They married in 1973 and moved to Long Island in 1976.

Our Team

From coordinators to counselors to musicians, it takes a dedicated community to help spread His word.
Meet the passionate team behind The Church of the Cross:

Roger Abney

Roger Abney

Coordinator for the Maintenance
(Historic Campus)

Roger oversees maintenance and facilities on the Historic Campus.

headshot of Leslie Albert

Leslie Albert

Cross Schools Missions Coordinator

Leslie creates and facilitates missions opportunities for students and families at Cross Schools in partnership with The Church of the Cross.

headshot of Rebecca Andrews

Rebecca Andrews

Youth and Interim Children’s Minister

Rebecca works with our youth and children’s ministry.

headshot of Cavetta Beaton

Cavetta Beaton

Cross Kids Nursery Coordinator

Cavetta trains, schedules and coordinates nursery programs across both campuses.

headshot of Peter Bridgwood

Peter Bridgwood

Faith Formation Teacher

Peter works with the Cross Schools middle school Faith Formation students.

headshot of Howard Duff

Howard Duff

Historic Campus Gracetime Worship Leader

Howard plans music for the Saturday Gracetime service and leads the Gracetime band each week.

headshot of Bennett Ellison

Bennett Ellison

Pastoral Intern

Bennett is a pastoral intern and Cross Schools Faith Formation teacher with tenth and eleventh grade.

headshot of Charlie Fiddler

Charlie Fiddler

Director of Worship Arts & Production

Charlie is the Audio Visual Director for all of our campuses.

headshot of Caitlin Fisher

Caitlin Fisher

Cross Christian Counseling Center, Counselor

Caitlin is a licensed counselor with the Cross Christian Counseling Center.

headshot of MaryBeth Griffith

MaryBeth Griffith

Cross Christian Counseling Office Administrator

MaryBeth assists with scheduling appointments and all office needs for Cross Christian Counseling and Pastoral Care.

headshot of Rebecca Hamilton

Rebecca Hamilton

Senior Administrator and Ministry Multiplier

Rebecca works with all of our staff and leaders of our many ministry areas to multiply effectiveness.

headshot of Alena Horton

Alena Horton

Financial Assistant/Bookkeeper

Alena serves as a financial assistant and bookkeeper.

headshot of Billy Howe

Billy Howe

The Chapel Music Leader

Billy helps with leading the music team at The Chapel.

headshot of Regine Johnson

Regine Johnson

Financial Administrator

Regine provides leadership in the areas of finance, human resources, technology, and facilities.

headshot of Michael-Anne Land

Michael-Anne Land

American Heritage Girls

Michael-Anne is the coordinator for American Heritage Girls.

headshot of Elisabeth Markle

Elisabeth Markle

CARE Ministries Coordinator

Elisabeth is the CARE ministries coordinator who leads the pastoral care of our parish.

headshot of Della Mike

Della Mike

CrossPoint Hospitality Coordinator

Della works with our hospitality teams at CrossPoint each week.

headshot of Andy Nix

Andy Nix

Cross Christian Counseling Center Director

Andy is the Director of Cross Christian Counseling.

headshot of Stacy Nix

Stacy Nix

Cross Schools Lead Faith Formation Teacher

Stacy is the lead Faith Formation teacher and teaches sixth grade and twelfth Faith Formation at Cross Schools.

headshot of David Ray

David Ray

Cross Schools Faith Formation

David is a Faith Formation teacher at Cross Schools with high school students.

headshot of Barb Ready

Barb Ready

Discipleship & Family Life Ministry Leader

Barb works with training small group leaders and establishing opportunities for discipleship at both The Church of the Cross and Cross Schools.

headshot of Kat Robinson

Kat Robinson

Women’s Ministry Assistant

Kat works with Women’s Ministry leadership, event planning and activities.

headshot of Sue Short

Sue Short

Parish Office Administrative Assistant

Sue will be the voice you hear when you call the Parish Offices. She assists clergy, staff and the many ministries at the Church.

headshot of Phyllis Spearman

Phyllis Spearman

Director of Weddings

Phyllis directs and coordinates weddings for the parish.

headshot of Jody Turner

Jody Turner

Sunday Singers Musician

Jody leads the Sunday Singers for worship at the 8:00am and 10:00am services on the Historic Campus.

headshot of Daniel Wade

Daniel Wade

Church Sexton

Dan serves the church and congregation by stewarding various activities to provide support for our ministry gatherings.

headshot of Lauren Weaver

Lauren Weaver

Cross Christian Counseling Center, Counselor

Lauren is a licensed counselor with the Cross Christian Counseling Center.

headshot of Kelly Williamson

Kelly Williamson


Kelly assists in the areas of graphics and the website.

headshot of Lisa Wilson

Lisa Wilson

Parish Administrative Assistant

Lisa works with all areas of parish administration and support.

The Vestry

The Vestry of The Church of the Cross is composed of eight members who have been called to serve Christ and this very special congregation at my side. They understand the magnitude of our corporate and personal blessings; they understand, too, that with these blessings comes the obligation to bless others in our Savior’s Name.

The Vestry’s over-arching goals are: to be mindful of the challenge before us to make a Kingdom difference in our time for all time; to vigilantly guard and espouse the orthodox faith in Scriptures we’ve inherited; and to instill in us an even greater will to reach and risk boldly for the Lord in ways others might say are beyond “the cutting edge.”

Few vestries in the Anglican Church in North America are grappling with such expansive goals and taking so seriously their calling to be good stewards, not just of the present realities, but also of future opportunities. My admiration for the Vestry the Holy Spirit has gathered to serve the Almighty in this place is unbounded. Minutes of the Vestry’s monthly meetings are posted on our website under Resources.

In His power and for His glory,

Father Chuck Owens' signature
headshot of Michael Simon

Michael Simon

Vestry Senior Warden

headshot of Craig Pelley

Craig Pelley

Vestry Junior Warden

headshot of Linda Laird

Linda Laird

Vestry Clerk

headshot of Lee Watkins

Lee Watkins

Vestry Treasurer

headshot of Wayne Bowerman

Wayne Bowerman


headshot of Joanne Byrd

Joanne Byrd


Kevin Sevier


Laura Strange


Get Involved with Our Ministries

One of the most important ways to get connected at The Church of the Cross is to first become a member of our congregation. If you are not a member and you are interested in learning more about membership, please call the Parish Office (843.757.2661) and speak to Sue.

Membership begins with an informal meeting with clergy. The next step in getting connected would be joining a Bible Study or small group to be in community with other Believers.





Food Bank


Men of the Cross

Cross Christian Women


Cross Kids

God’s Goods

Cross Schools