Meet Our Team
Our Clergy
Meet our dedicated team of spiritual leaders! Each of them brings unique experiences and unwavering faith to guide our community in worship, service, and spiritual growth.

Father Chuck Owens
The Rev. Dr. Charles E. Owens III (Chuck) is a grassroots believer who knows first-hand the struggles and challenges of everyday life. He is a real world disciple having spent over thirty years as an educator and independent school headmaster prior to entering full-time ministry.
About Father Chuck Owens

The Rev. Dr. Charles E. Owens III (Chuck) is a grassroots believer who knows first-hand the struggles and challenges of everyday life. He is a real world disciple having spent over thirty years as an educator and independent school headmaster prior to entering full-time ministry. Married for forty-three years, he and his wife Becky have two children and five grandchildren.
Father Owens discerned a call to ministry, read for Orders, and was ordained a deacon by the Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon, Jr., South Carolina XIII, in January 1994 and priest six months later. He served for two and one half years as Curate at the Church of the Redeemer in Orangeburg, South Carolina, before being installed as Rector of The Church of the Cross in Bluffton, South Carolina, in August 1996. In addition to countless seminars and ongoing professional programs, his education includes a B.S., M.Ed, and D.Min.
During his half century in the Anglican Church, Father Owens has served in various lay leadership roles at the parish and diocesan levels. As a priest he has been a member of the Diocesan Council, the Commission on Ministry, the Board of Trustees of York Place and the South Carolina Christian Action Council. For over ten years he served as the Chairman of the Congregational Development Committee and as Dean of the Beaufort Deanery.
Father Owens has led many retreats to include: the Diocesan Men’s Conference, the Diocesan Couples’ Conference (with Becky), and numerous Cursillo Weekends. With the full support of his parish, Father Owens travels regularly and extensively in and out of the Diocese of South Carolina facilitating leadership, discipleship and stewardship at both the parish and diocesan levels, most recently establishing ongoing relationships with the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh in Ireland and the Diocese of Fredericton in Canada. In 2012 he keynoted the Canadian Anglican Cursillo Triennial in Ottawa and began conducting mission events in St. John, New Brunswick, Canada, and speaking in the Leadership Stream of the New Wine Conference in Ireland. He has also developed and conducted two conferences focused on strengthening small congregations throughout the Emerald Isle (Strong Small Churches) – these conferences are now being offered on a continuing basis in Ireland and elsewhere. He regularly hosts teams of lay and clergy leaders at The Church of the Cross.
Relentless in his faith, Father Owens is a gifted teacher and preacher of the Gospel who unashamedly challenges others to grow in their personal relationships with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Under his leadership, The Church of the Cross has experienced phenomenal growth, built a second campus and Christian school, and has now embraced a vision for a virtual campus ministry committed to reaching and connecting formerly churched believers who now find themselves without access to orthodox Christian fellowship, teaching and worship.
Dear friend,
If you would like to contact me, I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to send me an email or give me a call at 843.757.2661.
In His power and for His glory,

The Rev. Dr. Nathan Weaver
Senior Associate and
Director of Faith Formation
The Rev. Dr. Nathan Weaver joined The Church of the Cross clergy team in 2021. Nathan serves as the Director of Faith Formation and supervises the Faith Formation teaching team at Cross Schools and TCOTC Youth and Children’s Ministries.
About Reverend Nathan Weaver
The Rev. Dr. Nathan Weaver joined The Church of the Cross clergy team in 2021. Nathan serves as the Director of Faith Formation and supervises the Faith Formation teaching team at Cross Schools and TCOTC Youth and Children’s Ministries.
Since the youngest of ages, Nathan has sensed a call to pastoral ministry. This journey led him to West Virginia Wesleyan College where he majored in Religious Studies, with an emphasis in Church Liturgy and Formation. Here he helped lead a campus ministry that transformed his understanding of God and what it means to lead others toward a relationship with Christ.
Upon graduation, he attended Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, KY, where he received a Master of Divinity. In 2023, Nathan earned a Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Direction from Asbury. He met his wife, Lauren while studying at Asbury Seminary. Lauren hails from Macon, Georgia. She graduated from the University of Georgia and also earned a Master of Divinity from Asbury Seminary. She earned a second Master’s in Mental Health Counseling from Marshall University and is a licensed counselor working with Cross Counseling. Nathan and Lauren have two sons, Ezra and Levi.
Nathan served as a United Methodist pastor in West Virginia for three years and as an adjunct professor at West Virginia Wesleyan College before following God’s call to the Anglican Church and The Church of the Cross. Nathan was ordained a priest in 2022 by Bishop Derek Jones of the Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy. In addition to his work at The Church of the Cross, Nathan serves as a Chaplain in the United States Air Force Reserves.

The Rev. Jonathan Riddle
Associate to the Rector
Jonathan is a North Carolina native who attended Appalachian State University. He received his Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary (Orlando) and an Anglican Studies Diploma from Trinity Anglican Seminary.
About Reverend Johnathan Riddle
Jonathan is a North Carolina native who attended Appalachian State University. He received his Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary (Orlando) and an Anglican Studies Diploma from Trinity Anglican Seminary.
Whether referencing C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.I. Packer, John Piper, or Tim Keller, Jonathan’s passion is connecting the Gospel to everyday life with the hope to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
If not spending time with his family Jonathan loves History, College Football and watching his beloved Carolina Panthers.
He lives in Bluffton with his wonderful wife, Lisa, and their six children.

The Rev. Dave Fisher
Pastoral Care Chaplain
The Rev. Dave Fisher serves as the Parish Chaplain of The Church of the Cross. The heart of Dave’s role is to bring an awareness of God’s presence and peace to those who have been separated from the flock by sickness or injury, and to walk with families through end-of-life care.
About Reverend David Fisher
The Rev. Dave Fisher serves as the Parish Chaplain of The Church of the Cross. Working alongside Elisabeth Markle and the volunteer Care Ministries of the church, the heart of Dave’s role is to bring an awareness of God’s presence and peace to those who have been separated from the flock by sickness or injury, and to walk with families through end-of-life care. The Parish Chaplain also serves as a pastoral presence to the volunteers and guests of outreach ministries of The Church of the Cross such as The Church of the Cross Food Bank and God’s Goods Thrift Store.
Dave graduated from Penn State University in 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in music. In spring 2011, he heeded a call into youth ministry and returned to State College, PA, serving as a youth director there for seven years. During that time, he and Caitlin met and were married. In 2018, they moved to Wilmore, Kentucky, and enrolled together at Asbury Theological Seminary, graduating in 2022 with a Master of Divinity degree and a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling, respectively. It was during his last few months of seminary, working as a hospital chaplain intern, that Dave discerned a particular and unexpected calling to ministry among those experiencing grief, pain, and uncertainty.
Dave spent his first year on staff at The Church of the Cross as a middle school Faith Formation teacher at Cross Schools for the 2022-2023 school year, making the transition into the role of Parish Chaplain in summer 2023. Dave was ordained a deacon in June of 2024 by Bishop Mark Nordstrom of the Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy.

The Rev. Tom Hendrickson
Priest in Residence
The Rev. Thomas J. Hendrickson hails from Long Island, New York, where he lived with his wife Terri and daughter Julia. Tom and Terri met at the University of Denver where Tom took a degree in Comparative Religion and Philosophy. They married in 1973 and moved to Long Island in 1976.
About Father Tom Hendrickson
The Rev. Thomas J. Hendrickson hails from Long Island, New York, where he lived with his wife Terri and daughter Julia. Tom and Terri met at the University of Denver where Tom took a degree in Comparative Religion and Philosophy. They married in 1973 and moved to Long Island in 1976. During their time on Long Island, he progressed through the offices of the family business of Highway and Heavy construction until he became the President and Chairman of the Board for the consolidated companies.
Twenty-five years later, the Lord called him into full time ministry which led him to Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pennsylvania, where he earned his Master of Divinity degree.
After his graduation in 2004, and his ordination by Bishop Bob Duncan, Father Tom served for two years at Christ the King parish in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. In 2006, he accepted a call to St Luke’s Church on Hilton Head Island to serve as the Assistant to the Rector. Four years later he stepped down and considered retirement. However, the Lord had a plan for Tom and Terri. Bishop Mark Lawrence introduced them to The Historic Church of The Epiphany in Eutawville, South Carolina, were he accepted the call to be Rector and worked there for seven years.
After re-establishing themselves on Hilton Head Island, Tom and Terri began attending The Church of the Cross in Bluffton where the Lord’s plan and purpose continues to unfold.
Our Team
From coordinators to counselors to musicians, it takes a dedicated community to help spread His word.
Meet the passionate team behind The Church of the Cross:

Roger Abney
Coordinator for the Maintenance
(Historic Campus)
Roger oversees maintenance and facilities on the Historic Campus.

Leslie Albert
Cross Schools Missions Coordinator
Leslie creates and facilitates missions opportunities for students and families at Cross Schools in partnership with The Church of the Cross.

Rebecca Andrews
Youth and Interim Children’s Minister
Rebecca works with our youth and children’s ministry.

Cavetta Beaton
Cross Kids Nursery Coordinator
Cavetta trains, schedules and coordinates nursery programs across both campuses.

Peter Bridgwood
Faith Formation Teacher
Peter works with the Cross Schools middle school Faith Formation students.

Howard Duff
Historic Campus Gracetime Worship Leader
Howard plans music for the Saturday Gracetime service and leads the Gracetime band each week.

Bennett Ellison
Pastoral Intern
Bennett is a pastoral intern and Cross Schools Faith Formation teacher with tenth and eleventh grade.

Charlie Fiddler
Director of Worship Arts & Production
Charlie is the Audio Visual Director for all of our campuses.

Caitlin Fisher
Cross Christian Counseling Center, Counselor
Caitlin is a licensed counselor with the Cross Christian Counseling Center.

MaryBeth Griffith
Cross Christian Counseling Office Administrator
MaryBeth assists with scheduling appointments and all office needs for Cross Christian Counseling and Pastoral Care.

Rebecca Hamilton
Senior Administrator and Ministry Multiplier
Rebecca works with all of our staff and leaders of our many ministry areas to multiply effectiveness.

Alena Horton
Financial Assistant/Bookkeeper
Alena serves as a financial assistant and bookkeeper.

Regine Johnson
Financial Administrator
Regine provides leadership in the areas of finance, human resources, technology, and facilities.

Michael-Anne Land
American Heritage Girls
Michael-Anne is the coordinator for American Heritage Girls.

Elisabeth Markle
CARE Ministries Coordinator
Elisabeth is the CARE ministries coordinator who leads the pastoral care of our parish.

Della Mike
CrossPoint Hospitality Coordinator
Della works with our hospitality teams at CrossPoint each week.

Andy Nix
Cross Christian Counseling Center Director
Andy is the Director of Cross Christian Counseling.

Stacy Nix
Cross Schools Lead Faith Formation Teacher
Stacy is the lead Faith Formation teacher and teaches sixth grade and twelfth Faith Formation at Cross Schools.

David Ray
Cross Schools Faith Formation
David is a Faith Formation teacher at Cross Schools with high school students.

Barb Ready
Discipleship & Family Life Ministry Leader
Barb works with training small group leaders and establishing opportunities for discipleship at both The Church of the Cross and Cross Schools.

Kat Robinson
Women’s Ministry Assistant
Kat works with Women’s Ministry leadership, event planning and activities.

Sue Short
Parish Office Administrative Assistant
Sue will be the voice you hear when you call the Parish Offices. She assists clergy, staff and the many ministries at the Church.

Jody Turner
Sunday Singers Musician
Jody leads the Sunday Singers for worship at the 8:00am and 10:00am services on the Historic Campus.

Daniel Wade
Church Sexton
Dan serves the church and congregation by stewarding various activities to provide support for our ministry gatherings.

Lauren Weaver
Cross Christian Counseling Center, Counselor
Lauren is a licensed counselor with the Cross Christian Counseling Center.

Lisa Wilson
Parish Administrative Assistant
Lisa works with all areas of parish administration and support.
The Vestry
The Vestry of The Church of the Cross is composed of eight members who have been called to serve Christ and this very special congregation at my side. They understand the magnitude of our corporate and personal blessings; they understand, too, that with these blessings comes the obligation to bless others in our Savior’s Name.
The Vestry’s over-arching goals are: to be mindful of the challenge before us to make a Kingdom difference in our time for all time; to vigilantly guard and espouse the orthodox faith in Scriptures we’ve inherited; and to instill in us an even greater will to reach and risk boldly for the Lord in ways others might say are beyond “the cutting edge.”
Few vestries in the Anglican Church in North America are grappling with such expansive goals and taking so seriously their calling to be good stewards, not just of the present realities, but also of future opportunities. My admiration for the Vestry the Holy Spirit has gathered to serve the Almighty in this place is unbounded. Minutes of the Vestry’s monthly meetings are posted on our website under Resources.
In His power and for His glory,

Michael Simon
Vestry Senior Warden

Craig Pelley
Vestry Junior Warden

Linda Laird
Vestry Clerk

Lee Watkins
Vestry Treasurer

Wayne Bowerman

Joanne Byrd

Kevin Sevier

Laura Strange
Get Involved with Our Ministries
One of the most important ways to get connected at The Church of the Cross is to first become a member of our congregation. If you are not a member and you are interested in learning more about membership, please call the Parish Office (843.757.2661) and speak to Sue.
Membership begins with an informal meeting with clergy. The next step in getting connected would be joining a Bible Study or small group to be in community with other Believers.