“The flour is flying…again!”
Being a priest, I suspect most folks think I rely on an Advent Wreath to tell me Christmas is approaching; but I have a much more reliable method: the amount of flour scattered about the Rectory kitchen!  You see, my wife Becky loves the early weeks of December with a passion that intensifies daily following Thanksgiving.
After positioning our tree in the living room, I’m dismissed as Becky takes her time meticulously adorning it with decorations accumulated over our fifty years of marriage. Moving outward from the tree, she slowly transforms the public areas with garlands and bows, candles and poinsettias, stunning flower arrangements and various set-abouts, the combination of which never fails to awe young and old alike. I’m then allowed to return to gush over the results and store the empty boxes.
With her iPad tuned to a glorious pantheon of Christmas music, it’s now time for the serious action to begin! Partnering with utensils of various shapes and unique uses, cake pans and cookie sheets, a KitchenAide and double oven, Becky glides about in her apron with a carol on her lips and flour on her nose in a wonderland of childhood memories. The family recipes being consulted are older than she is; so too is her desire to share a part of herself with others at Christmas.
The Psalmist utters this prayer: “May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14) When the flour is flying, Becky models it – what a lady!