Next week our 17 year old daughter will graduate from Bluffton High School and finish #4 in academic rating in her senior class. Rachel will be attending Anderson University this fall, a small Christian school located in western South Carolina. We are so immensely proud of her, she’s everything a parent prays for in their daughter. Charles Dickens once claimed that pride for one’s children is not a sin for it is a mixture of two great Christian virtues: faith and hope. I thank the Lord that these virtues have produced a love for our children which I am inexpressibly grateful!
Most of all our Rachel has lived into the legacy of the person she is named after, Rachel Joy Scott. Rachel was just 17 years old when she was killed in the Columbine Massacre 22 years ago. She was an extraordinary young woman with deep abiding faith in Christ, her life has impacted millions of people. Her life was put to film five years ago.
As I have told her parents in many occasions, Rachel Scott’s faith stood up to death and by God’s grace lit a candle as I trust shall never be put out! Thanks to all of you who invested your lives to make a difference in our daughter’s life, Lisa and I are forever grateful!