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Each One Reach One

EACH ONE REACH ONE – the imperative jumps out from the refrigerator magnate available on both campuses; THAT NONE SHOULD BE LOST – the rationale for the imperative makes the case for action. 

Padre’s Ponderings

As a child born in 1943, I understood ‘church’ to be a place my family frequented on Sunday mornings. While

The Three Women

A few Sundays ago, I walked across the Cross Schools parking lot to join The Chapel service for communion after having completed the necessary tasks to prepare for the nearly 600 congregants and visitors who would join me an hour later in the school gym. This is a sacred time to slip over and remember. Coming to the table to break bread remembering the Body which was broken for you and for me. To give thanks for the cup Jesus took and said, “Whenever you drink, do this in remembrance of Me.” Beautiful. Sacred. Precious.

The Rest of the Story

My December 31, 2023, sermon on the Historic Campus was entitled, “Christmas: The Rest of the Story” (click here to listen). Using the second chapter of St. Matthew’s Gospel as my primary text, I focused on the truth that we must move beyond “the sentimentality associated with Jesus’ birth” to grasp “the reality associated with Jesus’ death” . . .

War Surplus

Wars and rumors of war set the context for my early childhood years . . . I suspect I would have hardly noticed the transition from World War II to the Korean War were it not for two events: my father (a career naval officer) was stationed ashore and I discovered the Army-Navy Surplus Store on King Street in Charleston, SC.  

You Who Witness

Every year one of The Church of the Cross’ shining moments is watching dozens of congregants wade down to the May River to be baptized. Many others join them as they recommit their lives to Jesus Christ.

You Can Make A Difference!

Some of my favorite childhood memories come from the time I spent with the men of the church. Almost weekly, the church I grew up in hosted dinners, men's groups, and other times of fellowship. The men took me under their wing, and I would help do the dishes in the kitchen or sing with them in the choir.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16

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