Coordinator for the Maintenance (Historic Campus)
Roger oversees maintenance and facilities on the Historic Campus.
Historic Campus Gracetime Worship Leader
Howard plans music for the Saturday Gracetime service and leads the Gracetime band each week.
The Vestry of The Church of the Cross is composed of eight members who have been called to serve Christ and this very special congregation at my side. They understand the magnitude of our corporate and personal blessings; they understand, too, that with these blessings comes the obligation to bless others in our Savior’s Name. The Vestry’s over-arching goals are: to be mindful of the challenge before us to make a Kingdom difference in our time for all time; to vigilantly guard and espouse the orthodox faith in Scriptures we’ve inherited; and to instill in us an even greater will to reach and risk boldly for the Lord in ways others might say are beyond “the cutting edge.” Few vestries in the Anglican Church in North America are grappling with such expansive goals and taking so seriously their calling to be good stewards, not just of the present realities, but also of future opportunities. My admiration for the Vestry the Holy Spirit has gathered to serve the Almighty in this place is unbounded. Minutes of the Vestry’s monthly meetings are posted on our website under Resources.
In His power and for His glory,